A Lot to Learn

July 22, 2015 — Leave a comment

RunnyMascaraWhat do I mean by a “lot to learn”? Well, last night we had some friends in from out-of-state. Before I picked my wife up at the bus stop I ran home and touched up my make-up. Basically I applied a little more concealer and mascara for the night. I really didn’t think much of it. We met our friends at their hotel then went out for pizza and microbrews and no one noticed the make-up at all. It was late by the time we got home and I was a bit tipsy (for the record, if you ever get a chance you should try Lost Abbey’s Angel’s Share strong ale. It not only has an amazing amount of flavor and chocolate notes, but at a whopping 14.7% ABV it has quite a kick as well!) Now, back to the point of my post.

I got home and my girlfriend was already in bed. I went in, tucked her in, kissed her good night, then went to bed myself. And therein lies my mistake.

I woke up this morning, my wife had already left for work and I went to check to see if my girlfriend was awake. The first thing she says is “Are you wearing mascara?” I admitted that I was and that I had put it on before heading out with friends last night, and then I went to the bathroom. That’s when I noticed that it had run and smudged while asleep. I had forgotten to take it off before going to bed <sheepish grin>. So, lesson learned! Remove make-up before going to bed! I’m sure here are other mistakes I’ll encounter along the way and there will be even more lessons learned.

Ciao my lovelies!

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