Some New Goals

July 21, 2015 — 6 Comments

ShoppingI decided last weekend to add some new goals for the next few months: Going out in public! Aside from work (which will be a huge deal), I am now planning some more “mundane” endeavors. One will be just a regular trip to the grocery store or even just a convenience store. My goal is to get up, put on my dress, heels and make-up then run to the store for a few items. Another goal would be to go to a restaurant while dressed, sit at the bar, and have a nice dinner. And, I’d love (love, love, LOVE!) to go shopping while dressed. There are a few place locally that are CD/trans friendly. But I’d even consider Macy’s. Now to get that weight off!

Sigh… Can’t…Wait…

Ciao my lovelies!


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